Chapter Bylaws

Article I: Name
The name of this organization is the VCU area chapter (#144) of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (or the Society)

Article II: Purpose
The purposes of this chapter are to:

  • Support the policies and goals of the Society as set forth in Article I of the Sigma Xi constitution, and in all matters act in harmony with the principles and procedures of the national Society and its constitution:
  • Encourage original investigation in science, pure and applied. The fields of activity of the Society and chapter are the pure and applied natural sciences. In general, these include physical sciences, the medical sciences, mathematics and engineering. The activities of the Society and chapter shall be those appropriate to the object of the Society and particularly those set forth in the Society Bylaws.
  • Protect and advance the professional status and interests of all chapter members;
  • Facilitate the dissemination of information on scientific research principles and practices;
  • Inform the scientific community about Sigma Xi standards and policy statements; and
  • Develop necessary and proper chapter programs for the accomplishment of the aforementioned purposes.

In furtherance of the purposes described above, but not in limitation thereof, the chapter shall have power to conduct studies; to disseminate statistics and other information; to engage in appropriate fundraising activities; to conduct promotional activities, including advertising and publicity, in or by any suitable manner of media; to hold such property as is necessary to accomplish its purposes; and to employ individuals to further its purposes under Article II. This chapter is organized and operated for the above stated purposes, and for other non-profit purposes. No part of its assets, income, or profits shall be distributable to, or inure to the benefit of, any individual, except in consideration of services rendered.

Article III: Members
Eligibility for membership in this chapter shall extend to all active and inactive members who are national members of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (or the Society), and will not exclude associate or student members. All chapter members may vote in chapter matters.

Article IV: Officers and Organization
The officers of the Society shall be a President, a President-elect, an immediate Past President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. Terms of office shall commence on 1 July of the year next following election, and shall continue for a period of one year for the President, President-elect and immediate Past President, and for a period of four years for the Treasurer, and Secretary, or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Succession: Upon the expiration of the term of the President, the President-elect shall become President, the President shall become the immediate Past President and the Immediate Past President shall become the most recently retired President. Vacancies: Vacancies in the Office of President, President-elect, immediate Past President or Treasurer or Secretary shall be filled in a manner prescribed in the Bylaws.

President: The president should reside over chapter activities, take responsibility for appointing delegates to the Annual Meeting and respond on behalf of the chapter to non-routine requests, inquiries, or opportunities from Sigma Xi Administrative Offices or the Board of Directors.

President-Elect: In the absence of the president of the chapter, the president-elect assumes the responsibilities of president. Therefore, it is essential that these two officers maintain close communication on the operations of the chapter in order to provide for smooth operation of the group in the president's absences.

In addition, the president-elect will also serve as the program chair for the chapter, and in this capacity, will initiate and carry out the chapter's activities for the year. In undertaking this responsibility, the president-elect will be familiar with the activities that have been sponsored by the chapter in the past. The president-elect will explore new activities for the chapter that may be of interest to the group's memberships.

Secretary: The secretary of a chapter is responsible for maintaining the regular flow of information to and from other officers, the membership and Sigma Xi Administrative Offices. The secretary will also write, and keep on file, minutes for all chapter meetings.

Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for all matters involving the transfer of funds between the chapter and headquarters. Each year, the treasurer will submit the Treasurer Report to Sigma Xi's administrative office. An online form for the report will be available during the submission period, July 1 through August 15. If a treasurer is not designated, the treasurer's report is submitted by the president.

Annual Reports
The Chapter secretary (or the Chapter president) will submit the Annual Report. The submission period will start on July 1 and end on August 15. The report, covering the Society's year from July 1 to June 30, should be received at Sigma Xi's Administrative Offices by August 15. If Sigma Xi's Administrative Offices do not receive an Annual Report by Early September, the chapter's September Local Support payment will be withheld and mailed in January with the January Local Support money. If an Annual Report is received after March 1, a written explanation will be requested from the chapter to justify the retroactive payment of Local Support

Delegates to the Annual meeting
The Chapter secretary (or the Chapter president) informs Sigma Xi's Administrative Offices of the chapter's designated voting delegate to the Annual Meeting. Representation at an Annual Meeting at least once in the last three years is one of the requirements of each chapter in order to receive Local Support payments. Local Support will be withheld, if a chapter is not so represented.

Initiations and Promotions
The Chapter Secretary is (normally) responsible for sending to headquarters the membership certificate order forms, fees, and nomination forms for all individuals that will be initiated or promoted. These items should be accompanied by a check for the total amount of fees required. The election of at least one new member during the past two years is required of academic groups to receive Local Support payments. Local support will be withheld from groups failing to do so.

Local Dues
The Chapter treasurer (or the Chapter president) must notify Sigma Xi Administrative Offices. These payments are mailed to the designated treasurer. If a treasurer is not designated, then the checks are mailed to the president of the chapter.

Article V: Dues
The chapter may establish chapter dues. The treasurer must notify Sigma Xi Administrative Offices if the chapter wishes to have collect local dues collected on its behalf. An email letter is sent to the chapter officers in November asking them to let Sigma Xi Headquarters know by December regarding local dues for the next fiscal year (Chapter dues may be established after reasonable notice), at a regular or special membership meeting. Chapter members must pay current Sigma Xi dues, any mandatory conference dues, and chapter dues.

Article VI: Committees

A. Executive Committee
The Executive committee shall consist of the elected officers of the chapter, the immediate past president, and (if possible) two members elected at large. The majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum for conduct of business of the committee. The executive committee shall assume responsibility for the chapter's continuing effective presence at the institution, keeping all positions on the executive committee filled as vacancies occur. The executive committee shall:
1. Meet regularly
2. Respond to chapter members seeking assistance
3. Conduct the business of the chapter between meetings
4. Regularly recruit members and encourage maintenance of membership
5. Make necessary appointments to complete an unexpired term of any officer
6. Set the agenda with appropriate notice for chapter meetings, and
7. Consult regularly with the Society on matters of mutual interest

B. Membership Committee
The membership committee shall regularly recruit new members and encourage the maintenance of membership. Working with the treasurer and other applicable chapter officers, the committee shall promote the establishment of a membership retention plan and other appropriate plans to encourage membership recruitment and maintenance.

C. Other Committees
The Chapter may create additional standing and ad hoc committees as necessary to promote the welfare of the chapter. The chair and members of these committees shall be appointed by the executive committee. Some such committees may be, but are not limited to:
- status of women and minorities
- Professional ethics
- Sigma Xi relationships with colleges and universities
- Election, dues, and chapter organization
- Sigma Xi relationships with local, state, and federal governments
- Chapter participation in college and university activities
- Economic status of the profession

Article VII: Meetings
Chapter meetings shall hold regular meetings at least once per year. 

Special Meetings of the chapter may be called by the president or a majority of the executive committee. Written notice of such meetings shall be provided to each member by the secretary of the chapter at least seven days in advance of the meeting date. The president shall call special meetings of the chapter within seven days of being so directed by the executive committee or by a petition signed by 20 percent of the (active) members.

The quorum required for the transaction of business at all meetings of the chapter shall consist of ten percent of the active members.

Article VIII: Dissolution
A chapter cannot cease to exist by voluntarily surrendering its chapter; action by the Board of Directors and others is required. Upon revocation of the chapter, its assets shall be distributed to the Society, a charitable organization.

Article IX: Inactive/Dormant status
"If the chapter goes inactive adn remains dormant over 5 years or dissolves, any funds the chapter possesses which were the direct result of local udes and chapter support will go back to the Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society.

Article X: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members, provided that a notice setting forth the proposed amendment or amendments an explanation thereof and known objections thereto shall have been sent to each member at least 30 days prior to the vote. Any member of the chapter may initiate an amendment.

Article XI: Organization of the Society: Chapters
The units of the Society are chapters. The chapters participate in the government of the Society in the manner and to the extent set forth in Sigma Xi's constitution and bylaws, which in turn govern the acts, duties, responsibilities and privileges of the chapters. Chapters may adopt the above bylaws as are appropriate for their governance, provided such bylaws do not conflict with the constitution and bylaws of the Society. Procedures governing the establishment and conduct of chapters and for the affiliation of active members therewith are set forth in the (Society) bylaws.

Enacted this14th day of June in the year 2016.